
SWOT Analysis

The main strength for my company is it's uniqueness. There is no other children's vitamin bottle the is shaped the way that I want to shape my bottle. The bottle commonly used for children's vitamins is just a regular cylinder bottle.Making them chocolate flavor is also one of my strengths in my opinion. The most popular flavors for children's vitamins are fruit flavored. Even the gummy bears are fruit flavored. Making my vitamins chocolate flavored makes them stand out from the competition because it is not a flavor that is commonly used for children's vitamins.
One of the main weaknesses in my business would be that there is only one flavor. Many popular children's vitamins have multiple fruit flavors such as cherry and grape. Some children like having different flavors because each time they have a vitamin it's different and it's kind of exciting because they get to guess what flavor they're going to get. There are some children who only like one flavor and will not eat any other flavor. I am not advertising to both of these children. My product being only one flavor, would appeal to the child that only likes that one flavor. That makes a whole group of children that I am losing because of that reason. Another weakness is that they only come in one form. Some children like the gummy vitamins opposed to the hard kind. With my product being the hard kind, that eliminates another group of children.
One of the opportunities that my product has is the opportunity to grow.  If my product gains a lot of popularity, I will have the opportunity to expand into other flavors. Instead of just milk chocolate flavored vitamins, I could have other types of chocolate such as white chocolate or dark chocolate. I could even experiment with trying to make it taste like actual chocolate bars such as M&M's or Reese's Pieces
The biggest threat I would have would be imitation. Other companies would begin making their own versions of chocolate flavored vitamins to compete with my company and my product. When that situation happens I would have to really focus on the taste. I would have to make the taste the best out of all the other vitamins. Most vitamins taste grainy and I would try to avoid that to make my product taste as much as possible to actual chocolate.

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